[KR] January 15th Update Notes - Tier 8 Raid 'Elberhastic', New Raid Difficulty Levels, Hall of Fame, Cross-Server Group Finder
![[KR] January 15th Update Notes - Tier 8 Raid 'Elberhastic', New Raid Difficulty Levels, Hall of Fame, Cross-Server Group Finder](/content/images/size/w2000/wordpress/2020/01/6f9b5576292741d79c11d2662ef81224.png)
This is a rough version of the update, translations will be improved throughout the day.
Update contents
Added Level 8 Raid Guardian ‘Elberhastic’
Added the Tier 8 Raid Guardian ‘Elberhastic’.
- In order to enter Level 8, you must clear all Level 7 Raids at least once.
- To enter Level 8, your character must reach item level 1170 .
- Added 5 kinds of ornaments that can be obtained from ‘Elberhastick’.
- ‘Elberhastic’ Normal Difficulty Obtain ‘Judge’s Fragment’ by harvesting souls and dismantling jewelry.
- The Judge’s Fragment can be exchanged through the Raid Loot Exchange NPC for a Fair Judgment Trinket Box.
- Added Raid Guardian to add party search items, milestone information, and weekly eponas.
- With the addition of the Tier VIII raid, the proper level of item level has been applied to the existing Raid Guardian ‘Igrexion’.
- If you exceed the raid proper item level criteria, the amount of some goods may be limited.
※ The imprint that can be obtained from ‘Igrexion’ does not apply to the limit of the amount obtained due to exceeding the maximum item level.
- If you exceed the raid proper item level criteria, the amount of some goods may be limited.
Raid difficulty update
A new difficulty has appeared in Raid.
- You can choose a ‘Challenge’ difficulty on Acates, Igrexion and Elberhastic Raid.
- Challenging Difficulty is a challenge for adventurers who sometimes want to prove their skills on equal terms.
- Guardians in Challenge Difficulty use the same skills and patterns as Normal Difficulty.
- Challenging Difficulty applies to Balance of Harmony, which changes the character’s stats to match the level of the Guardian.
- Challenge difficulty can only be cleared once per week for each Guardian, and cannot be re-entered until Wednesday at 06:00 .
- In Challenging Difficulty, a character who exceeds the Guardian’s proper item level can earn the same Clear Reward.
※ Once-weekly limit of difficulty is not affected by Guardian Soul Harvest +1 and Weekly Raid +1.
※ If you fail to clear the difficulty level of the raid, you can still enter.
- You can choose the ‘Trial’ difficulty on Acates, Igrexion and Elberhastic Raid.
- Trial difficulty is a level of honor that will give honorable satisfaction to adventurers who test their limits.
- Guardians appearing in Trial difficulty have some skills that are very difficult to deal with.
- Trial Difficulty applies to Balance of Harmony, which changes the character’s stats to match the Guardian’s level, and the imprint of the ring, but does not apply any adaptability or wear item bonuses.
- Clearing Trial Difficulty will allow you to earn achievements for each Guardian, and will earn you a Legendary title.
※ Trial difficulty does not provide general reward items.
※ Clearing Trial difficulty will not deduct the Guardian Soul Harvest chance of the Slave Tier. - If you have a special achievement on Trial difficulty, it will be listed in the Hall of Fame and remembered by adventurers on all servers .
- Hard difficulty First Clear Party
- Difficulty Shortest Time Elimination Party
- You can now choose Apprentice Difficulty in the Tier 6 Raid.
- Apprentice Raids can now be entered by selecting a difficulty level from the regular Raid Bulletin Board rather than the Apprentice Raid Bulletin Board.
※ Apprentice Raid shares the same level of difficulty difficulty raid and Soul Harvest as before.
- Apprentice Raids can now be entered by selecting a difficulty level from the regular Raid Bulletin Board rather than the Apprentice Raid Bulletin Board.
- Added party find items and milestone information based on the Raid difficulty update.
Cash Shop Update
New Year 2020 Cash Shop Package
Event Progress Guide
Winter Limited Event Raid
The Winter Event Raid will appear on the Weekly Raid Admissions bulletin board before the regular checkups are held from Wednesday, January 15, 2020 to Wednesday, February 19, 2020.
- The ‘Winter Event Raid’ can be entered through the ‘Weekly Raid Admission Bulletin’ every day from 10 to 14:00 and 20:00 to 24 hours.
- ‘Winter Event Raid’ is divided into ‘Winter Raider’ and ‘Winter Raider’, and ‘Winter Raider’ features ‘Skilled Raid Monster’.
- ‘Winter Event Raid’ can be entered as a character with item level 255 or higher and can only be rewarded once a day.
※ When using ‘Weekly Raid +1’, the weekly reward number of ‘Weekly Raid +1’ is used first to use additional reward opportunities. - ‘Winter Event Raid’ has special attack elements as follows.
- ‘Balance of Harmony’ is applied to change the character’s stats to the level of the Guardian.
- A ‘battle shop’ is located at the initial entry location and will remain available for the raid time limit.
- There is a special Guardian that will not be exposed to Flare, and if you meet certain conditions you will drop a buff ether that will help clear it.
- If the guardians coexist in a certain area with each other, each guardian has a slowing effect.
※ The slow effect does not apply to certain Guardians.
- You can earn ‘Winter Welcome Token’ by clearing ‘Winter Event Raid’.
- You can exchange ‘Welcome Towels of Winter’ for various items through exchange NPCs located in each big city.
Winter only quest
2020 January Wed the 15th – Discover handing out warm through the winter only quests can proceed until Wed, 19 February 2020 periodic inspection.
- Find the embarrassing Umar ‘Mourr’ in the big cities of each continent.
- Winter only quest “ by the sea! ” You can start with the character who completed the quest.
- Once you complete the Winter Quest once a day, you will earn the Warm Winter Button.
- Every day, the number of ‘warm winter buttons’ available in the quest will increase.
- You can exchange ‘Warm Winter Button’ with various items through the exchange NPC Jude Car located in each big city and village of Schshire Regens.
※ Quest is progressed for each character, and after completing the final linked quest, you can no longer proceed.
Season end notice
PVP Season 1 End
PVP and Competitive Season 1 has ended.
- Grade 1 rewards will be mailed to you prior to the competition .
- Season 1 vehicles can be used until the end of Season 2.
- Preseason vehicles have been recalled.
- Season 1 weekly settlement was completed on January 15th, and weekly settlement is not performed until the start of next season.
- Ranked weekly rewards can only be collected before the January 29 regular checkup .
- If you haven’t received the reward yet, be sure to get it in the PVP Info window (keyboard Alt + K).
- Coupons of Courage acquired during Season 1 will only be available until January 29th.
- When the next season begins, the container’s coin reserve is reset to zero .
- You will not be able to play the competition until the start of the next season.
- There will be no competing weekly epony or quests until the start of the next season.
- Rank points will not be earned on the Battlefield of Proof, Guild Battles and Quests until the start of the next season.
PVP Season 2 Schedule Announcement
- After regular inspection on January 29, 2020 , PVP Season 2 will begin .
- In Season 2, PVP-only currencies ‘Mark of Fighting’ and ‘Coins of Courage’ will be integrated into the ‘Coins of Courage’ token item.
- All Season 2 PVP Exchange Shop items can be exchanged for Coin Items.
- During Season 2, we will be adding a commodity that will allow you to exchange your existing Seal of Sight for Shilling.
- Unused Tokens during Season 2 will expire at the beginning of Season 3 . ※ ‘ coinage of the vessel’ is as I walk you through the old will initialized when Season 2 begins am what you’d use for both pre encouraged.
- Beginning with Season 2, the PVP exchange shop will be reorganized with new items and will no longer sell existing Tier 3 gear items and exclusive resold materials.
※ Items already purchased and owned will not be removed. - Following the upgrade of the weekly upgrade, the PVP rank ‘Extra’ or higher will be reset to ‘Extra’.
- Pre-competition ratings and ratings are compressed based on previous season’s performance.
Reverse Ruin Season 1 Ends
Reverse Ruin Season 1 has ended.
- Season 1 has ended and you cannot enter the reverse throw-in until the start of the next season.
※ You can enter the Yozmund area during the end of the season. - Reverse rue weekly epona quests will not appear during the end of the season.
- After regular inspection on January 29, 2020 , the Reverse Ruin Season 2 will begin .
※ Bracelets made during the Preseason at the start of Season 2 will expire .
※ At the beginning of Season 2, welcome stones, Astra, Illusion Rings, Star Traces, and Illusion Shards will be lost .
※ Bracelets made during Season 1 at the beginning of Season 2 will no longer earn Crafting Materials .
※ Bracelets acquired in Season 1 will be retained even if Season 2 begins and will expire at the beginning of Season 3.
※ Until the beginning of Season 2, you will be able to make bracelets and exchange welcome stones with your items.
Improvements and Fixes
[ Find Party]
- The Party Finder feature has been reorganized to recruit party members to all servers.
- If you apply to the party recruitment and are accepted, you will join the waiting room instead of joining the party immediately.
- Chat in the waiting room or view other characters’ information via the context menu.
- If all the people gathered in the waiting room party recruitment posts registrant pressing the ‘enter’ button recruitment information window directly enter the content you can.
※ The content entry function of the recruitment information window is available only when the enrollee is in a big city.
※ You have not joined the waiting room yet.
Therefore, if you try to enter the UI for each content without going through the Party Finder UI, you will not be able to enter with the number of people in the waiting room.
※ If you enter other content or try to match while you are in the waiting room, you will be automatically exited from the waiting room .
※ Finding parties in other categories will be done only in the server where you belong. The party search will be terminated without entering the contents in the waiting room.
[ Raid]
- For adventurers who can’t distinguish colors by color, the shields and crystals of Raid Guardian ‘Acates’ have been improved to be distinguished by their shape.
- Destroyed Acates’ Guardian Statue changed the appearance of the crystal.
- Original blue crystal → blue square crystal
- Original yellow crystals → yellow oval crystals
- Existing green crystals → green triangle crystals
- The shield effect surrounded by Acates has been changed as follows.
- Existing Blue Shield → Added Blue Square Magic Circle
- Original yellow shield → Added yellow circle magic
- Existing Green Shield → Added Green Triangle Magic Circle
- Destroyed Acates’ Guardian Statue changed the appearance of the crystal.
- Adjusted the difficulty of Raid Guardian ‘Acates’ as follows.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Energy Balls from Shield from falling over on hit.
- Acates slightly increased the time he spends in shields.
- Decreased the throw distance of Rune Crystals by destroying Acate’s Guardian Statue.
- Wing Strike’s attack speed has been lowered and will no longer fall when a whirlwind projectile is hit.
- Lowered the requirements needed to destroy the Wings of Light.
- Fixed not to summon spirits after the Wings of Light were destroyed
- Reduced Combat Difficulty so that Acates, who had destroyed the Wings of Light, mostly used simple attacks.
- Reduced the damage of some powerful attacks.
- Slightly increased the cast time and lowered the damage of the attacking skill that attracted light while in Berserk.
- Adjusted the difficulty of Raid Guardian Belganus as follows.
- Lowered damage taken by Darkpower Debuffs of Belganus and Skilled Belganus.
- Fixed one of the last of the dark-spirited attacks to rotate to one side of Belganus and skilled Belganus.
- Belganus and Skilled Belganus lowered the damage in front of them when they rush to absorb the marbles in front of them
- Fixed Belganus to be neutralized after a bite attack by Belganus and skilled Belganus.
- Reduced the damage dealt by skilled Belganus based attacks on character health.
- Mastered Belganus’s forward damage has been reduced by Shadow Breath and Charge.
- Adjusted the following general monsters in Red Sand Desert:
- Reduced the number of Desert Cactus appearances in the Raid Map ‘Red Sand Desert’.
- Red Desert Uroboros in Raid Map Red Sand Desert no longer uses battering, breath, and fireball shots.
[ Battle / Skill]
- Fixed different Tripod tooltips for armor penetration effects.
- Fixed the Holy Night ‘Executive Executioner’ tooltip more intuitively.
- Existing: Strengthen by limiting the Divine Aura to yourself using the Faith Gauge. When activated, Divine Executioner increases the attack range of Basic Attack and Punishment skills by 30% and increases damage dealt by Basic Attack and Punishment skills by 40%.
- Modifications: Use your Faith Gauge to strengthen your sword to become a god executor. In the Executioner state, the attack range of basic attacks and punishment skills is increased by 30%, and the damage dealt by basic attacks and punishment skills is increased by 40%.
- Fixed the description of the blow effect tooltip for the Spearman’s Whirlwind Engagement skill.
- Existing: When hitting a fallen enemy, it knocks an enemy and strikes it.
- Modification: When hitting an enemy in the air, it spawns and hits again.
[ Epona Request / Quest]
- We’ve made some changes to the renewal criteria for weekly eponas and quests that appear in item levels 545-560
- Epona Request ‘Engraving Tool III’ reward appeared to be item level 545 → 556.
- Changed Epona Request ‘Solarstone Fragment’ reward appearance condition to item level 545 → 556.
- Epona Request ‘Epona’s Pocket III’ reward has been changed to 545 → 556.
[ Sailing]
- Sunstone Shards item level lowered from 545 to 556 while sailing
- The boss monster location icon has been changed to make it easier to find the boss location in ‘Unknown Island’.
- The difficulty of obtaining Island Mind has been reduced by changing the Fake Boss to no longer appear in Orbis Island.
- We’ve made it easier for you to pass through the section you play using the Decisions of Walpurgis Night Dungeon.
- In Island of Forgotten Ones, the difficulty of earning the island has been mitigated by increasing the chance of fishing and the number of crates.
- sys.Landoftruth.devbui9%!) U%! New notes have been added to the developer’s room.
- Unfortunately we can’t hear her anymore, but look forward to her next letter.
[ Achievement]
- We’ve made it easier to clearly see the achievement goals of the raid-related achievements.
- Added 10 new achievements.
- Added 7 new titles as achievement rewards.
[ Items]
- Added a crush item type that can be selected from the crush gift box.
- Changed the following item’s attribution setting to “ Tradable ”.
- Sharp blunt imprint I
- Sharp blunt imprint II
※ Changes to Bind Setting will be reflected in your previous item.
- Added ‘Inscription Box’ to Barter’s barter items for ‘Phaeto Island’ NPC ‘Carson’ and ‘Permata Island’ NPC ‘Wayne’.
- The crate can be purchased for gold and you can get one of the following inscriptions.
- Prerequisite Stamp I
- Prerequisite Stamp II
- Sharp blunt imprint I
- Sharp blunt imprint II
- Periodic Absorption Imprint I
- Periodic Absorption Imprint II
- Ignore the abbreviation I
- Ignore Abbreviation II
- Barricade Inscription I
- Barricade Inscription II
- The crate can be purchased for gold and you can get one of the following inscriptions.
[ Notification / Calendar]
- Improved not to output category without content in alarm setting window.
- In the case of ongoing events, we have improved the status to stay in the notification list until the end time.
- While connected to the notification list, the notification will be output once when connected.
- We’ve added the following “Winter Weekly Events Raid” content to your calendar and reminders.
- Winter Stalker
- Winter intruder
- Improved the automatic completion according to the input sentence when searching the contents in ‘All Alarm Setting’ within the alarm.
[ Dungeon ]
- Adjusted Chaos Dungeon’s Chaos Bind effect as follows:
- Reduced the damage caused by the Meteorite effect.
- We have lowered the amount of damage, maintenance and electric shock due to the ‘electrode’ effect.
- Lowered the health increase rate of monsters caused by the Tyrant effect.
- We have lowered the slow effect, freeze damage, and freeze time due to the ‘zero’ effect.
[ Preferences]
- Improved the ability to set the party and raider health bars individually in the preferences.
- Added ‘Friendly Forces’ item to set whether or not to show the health bar of team members during team competitive co-op quests.
- Added ‘Show Battle Skill Identification Mark’ option to Display in Preferences.
- The option allows you to turn on or off the identification marks displayed during combat.
※ On the battlefield of proof, the combat skill identification mark is always displayed regardless of the option setting.
- The option allows you to turn on or off the identification marks displayed during combat.
[UI / Graphics]
- Adjusted the layout of each raid entry UI to be more uniform.
- Removed the ‘Resurrection Point’ button, which is not used when a character dies in the Silma Battlefield Guild battlefield content.
- Changed the party UI to not display buff icons that are not shared with other characters, such as the imprinting effect.
- The effect that only shows the buff icon to the party during the debuff triggered by the enemy has been fixed so that the effect is only visible to the target.
- Improved the mouse to hover over the set avatars in your belongings when compared to both the avatars you are wearing.
- The upper and lower set avatars have been improved so that they can be compared to the upper and lower set avatars when the mouse is hovered over.
- Added a procedure to guide the delivery of affinity items when there is a significant difference in efficiency compared to other items.
- Permanent attribute potions have been added to indicate when a character’s stats have increased.
- New: Added information to the quest journal in the crush quest that the crush action menu will not be available when the person is away.
- We’ve changed the notification text for more details when trying to ‘Disassemble’ an item that can’t be disassembled.
- Improved the system text and sound when demonstrating the Demonic class imprint ‘Perfect Suppression’.
- When you try to use the square hole while transforming, it is improved to display a notification that can not be used during the transformation.
- In the search window of the battlefield ‘User Game’ of the proof, after inputting only one letter, the notice text for more than two letters is displayed.
- Improved graphic elements placed in some areas below.
- Gisbroy, Knut’s Tomb, Cradle of the Sea Permata, Secret Laboratory, Walpurgis Night, Medea
[Event ]
The ‘ Snowfang Island’ event has ended.
- As the event ends, Snowfang Island will no longer appear.
- Pepero and Berotti, the big city’s Snowfang Island traders, no longer appear.
- Expired ‘Snowfang Island’ related items are no longer available.
- Notifications related to ‘Snowfang Island’ have been removed.
[ Other]
- When you apply for matching raid content as a party, the raid has been improved so that it can be restored to the party before matching even if it is divided into different parties through the raid editing.
- Villagers return to their daily lives after the Christmas celebrations on the continent of Accra.
- Changed the location of Elite Monsters on Peyton’s Continental Ruins.
- Lost arc shops and currency exchanges can be used while using raids and dungeons.
- Improved the bidding method of ‘Transaction Result History’ when making a purchase on a currency exchange.