LOST ARK Finally Launching in the West this Fall

Hello Adventurers,
At long last, we finally got to a time where LOST ARK is about to release into the western audience and it is published by Amazon Games releasing it on Steam.
The release date is Fall 2021, but there are rumors going around, since some of the founder packs had a date provided on them. TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, as nobody knows anything right now.
There are 3 types of Founder Packs available right now on Steam, which you can buy to secure access to future betas and the alpha today.
NOTE: If you do not see a download button right away, don’t be worried, this is a known issue and it is the way Steam releases work. Alpha keys will give instant access to Download, but Founder Pack owners will have to wait till the servers actually go live to download it.
You can sign up for the Alpha/Beta tests here, right now the signups issue Alpha keys: https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/tester-sign-up
For the alpha, please remember:
The play test is confidential. All participation, gameplay, information and content in the test is subject to pre-release NDA
The service region list can be found here:
More detailed posts to come about the global release after Alpha.