Pre-download is live! Early Character Creation soon, huge account re-verification wave sent out

Early character creation and launch will follow up.
Please do not buy accounts right now from seller websites unless they state that they have insurance or new re-verified accounts!!!!
Pre-download is live as of today(October 25th), you will need a stable VPN and an account(even ones that need re-verification may work, not all).
Client size is around ~24GB, unpacked ~50GB.
To download the STOVE launcher, click here:
If on this page you see the following pop-up you will need to re-verify your account with a korean phone number(
… and if you click on the button, you will get taken here:
Early Character Creation will be live from October 29th KST timezone until the events end, November 5th. You will be able to reserve your character names and be safe for launch.
The IP blockade is also in place now, not on website yet, but for launcher you will need to turn on your VPN.
UPDATE: A little tip from a French user ‘Greg’, if you start downloading with VPN on, then you pause the download and turn it off, you get full bandwith on your download and will be able to download a lot faster. Although this may work, it may not be optimal to download a foreign blocked game on your own connection, we do not know if Smilegate will tolerate this. So do it at your own risk!
Lots of accounts do not work currently, as they need re-verification, if you have this issue please email or contact your seller. OBTGame gives partial refunds ~8bucks for accounts that got in the huge re-verification wave.
If you purchased your account from OBTGame, visit this link and fill out the form:
From our community discord:
Hey folks, as some of you know already, Smilegate issued a re-verify on a lot (if not all, gotta confirm) of the existing accounts, so if you have your “physical phone number” handy, you should use that to re-verify your account. Since we don’t provide information on the “other ways”, we suggest you should talk to your “korean friends” about this issue and see what you can do – Decimator7
You will need a phone number verification to be able to play on these accounts.
For VPN guide and other useful videos, visit UCC section of our site(Community>UCC) or check these videos out below from Perci: