Lost Ark Russian Open Beta Developer Q&A, pre-creation now live!

The Russian/CIS region localization will be published by Mail.ru and launched into Open Beta on 2019 October 27th. Early Access starts 3 day earlier, all founder packs have access.
Schedule & Dates
Character Precreation: October 21, 2019 13:00 MSK
Early Access: October 24, 2019 15:00 MSK
Open Beta Launch: October 27, 2019 15:00 MSK
Download & VPN Guide | Registration Guide | Founder Pack Details
If you wish to play with the English International Community – join the english main server, сирион-Sirion.
What will be available in the Russian version?
- There will be 12 playable classes: Warrior – Warlord, Berserker, Destroyer | Fighter – Infighter, Battle Master, Soul Master | Magician – Summoner, Arcana, Bard | Gunner – Devil Hunter, Blaster, Hawkeye
- These sub-classes will not be available right away: Assassin – Blade, Demonic | Fighter – Lancemaster
- The contents of all 6 continents up to Shushire(snow zone) will be available. Partially voiced.
- Rohendel and Yorn updates will come later in a few months.
- You will be able to find 4 out of 7 pieces of the Ark, compared to KR version’s 5/7.
- The auction house will be cross-server.
- Subscription(VIP) system averages $11 / month
- Improved boat speed.
- Improved regeneration of boat activity energy.
- Daily gifts.
- Atlas, reputation system, collections, calendar of events, achievements, titles.
- Crafting, secret dungeons, buffing, runes, spells.
- Collecting cards for card game.
- Exploration/Marine content, 49 islands on the world map (34 of them with Souls).
- World bosses (location and event).
- First Awakening.
- High-level content (Tier 1 Set, Gear Score 385-390) will be achieveable by the following contents:
- PvP content
- 8 Keepers;
- 5 Halls of Chaos (as well as event instance);
- Tasks of the Efon Union;
- Sillian’s assignments: Platinum Fields, Tower of Shadows (45 floors), Cube;
- Rifts of Chaos (Anshu, Bern and Schushire);
- Labyrinth of Despair.
- To learn more about Lost Ark’s Main Contents, please refer to the Wiki part of the website.
- If you wish to play during the Early Access(Oct. 24th), you will need a Founder Pack.
- To buy a founder pack as a foreigner, you will need a browser russian vpn and a Master Card or Yandex acccount filled up with money.
Update Roadmap (Upcoming contents)
What kind of VPN is recommended?
Since the Russian version will be region-locked, you will need a VPN. You can use any VPN that has a stable connection node to Russia / CIS region locations(Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan). There are numerous VPN options out there, for example mudfish, expressvpn, etc.* We recommend using ExitLag, if you want an easy-to-use VPN that works right after installing and automatically sets up everything for you to play Lost Ark.
It offers a 3-day FREE trial service without any credit card information. If you like their service, you can use ‘LADB’ coupon code for 20% off your purchase.
We are also giving away 7-day and 30-day prepaid codes to celebrate the launch of Russian Lost Ark.
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* If you see this message in the launcher, don’t worry, your VPN will be working.